Friday, June 6, 2008

June book club pic

Our next book club pick is : The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

We are meeting July 17 which is 2 weeks later than we normaly meet for our discussion (this first Thursday of every month) We hope that more people will be able to show up. We are having it at a pool, which I am excited about and plan to bring my bathing suit, though a lot of the very beautiful woman said their is no way they would be seen in their bathing suits.

Also, I am inviting you to join the book club virtually, I will be posting the questions for the book before we meet and if you want to share any of your thoughts, I think that would be great!

1 comment:

Joie and Kurt Hauschild said...

Sooo... I read THE LOVELY BONES. It is a good book, but it can be rough to read. BUT it is good!