Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween in Maryland

I realized (after I had uploaded about half the pictures) that it may have been better to separate the trip pics into separate posts. OH WELL!!!

I would have titled this one "Why Aunt Karen won't be invited back" The kids had fun playing with my make-up. Everyone, even Tommy tried some on.

"Halloween Parade at St. Mary's"

Tommy as a Skeleton/Zombie

Lauren as the Hollywood Starlet

Sydney is a Diva

The first night I arrived, Lauren and Sydney introduced me to playing airplane. Sydney couldn't get enough of being in the air.

Before the Trick-or-Treating and before dinner, Lauren and Sydney took me on a guided tour of their neighborhood.

Running up and down hills (at work this is considered a punishment but not my nieces, it is just fun.)

Some pretty poses

and a self portrait.

The beautiful decorations

Trick or Treating........

I would have titled this post "Why Uncle Dave is welcome back anytime" He is just a big kid, or at the very least their favorite jungle gym

Here is a pic of Sydney and Dave playing with the Wii, as I watched.

1 comment:

Amy said...

You and Dave look so natural with a kiddo in tow. Any plans to start soon? :) Also, please feel free to play airplane with Lorelai any time. She loves it and my legs could use a rest!