Monday, July 14, 2008

More Books

My Sister's Keeper was recommended to my by Linda. I meet her through book club and very thankful for her, because she is always making sure I know I belong. On to the book: I could not keep this book down, I loved reading it. It truly sucked me in and I didn't want to leave the world of the book. In fact, the book was so good, even though I checked it out of the library, I am buying a copy to send to my sister to read, then my mother plans on reading it. It is currently being filmed to be a movie released in 2009.

The Glass Castle was recommended to my by Kelly, whom I met at book club. Very, very good book. It makes all my melodrama of how bad I thought me childhood was, to shame. I also learned that although you may want so hard for someone to be how you expect them to be, you eventually have to love them for who they ARE!

Finally, some of you loyal readers of this blog may recall that this book is our Book Club selection for July. I really liked it. I will do my best to try and not spoil it but others in our group said they had a real hard time getting through the beginning of it. I think it wasn't so hard for me because I don't have children and I can see how being a mother changes your perspective of this book. We will be discussing this book on Thursday, which is late for our meeting for the month, to try and accommodate many people's vacations. I am excited because it will be a pool party this time and I can try and perfect my cooking skills by trying a new recipe for an appetizer to bring.

P.S. They are making this into a movie to be released in 2009

1 comment:

Amy said...

Always looking for good books to read. Thanks for the suggestions!