Monday, September 27, 2010

Cutting Down Trees

Let me begin this blog by letting you know that we were on VACATION!!!!!!!!! I point this out not simply because Dave works so hard even when he is on vacation, but to justify why there is no before or after pictures for his cutting down trees project.... simply a few during. This is what I came out to, after awaking from my morning nap.
Dave is working on bringing down the 2nd, of 3, Birch trees that needed to be cut down

Since I am extremely scared of heights, seeing him up so high on a dead tree FREAKED me out!!!

If you look close, you can see Dave's shirt is wet, it was not from sweat.... while pulling down tree, he fell off the dock and I think he even hit a paddle boat on his way into the lake....
It was too much for me to take.................. so I headed back in for my afternoon nap!

Dave also cut down a huge pine tree in his parents front yard the next day, but I didn't take any pictures.

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