Monday, February 9, 2009

Man Oh, Man Oh, Man

Well I hope you aren't expecting much..................

NOTHING has happened so far this year, at least nothing I am going to blog about in this post. But my loyal reader (Stacie) has complanied that I haven't posted anything new in over a month and she was sick of it and I better get to work. I am hoping to share good news soon, but don't want to jinx it. I don't want to tell you our bad news, cause it really sucks. So for now know, we keep trudging on in the South!


Amy said...

I'm sorry to hear you've has bad news. I hope the good outweighs the bad in the end. Thanks for updating! It's great to hear from your, I mean our, side of town. :)

Joie and Kurt Hauschild said...

FINALLY!!! I have been DYING for some posts!!!!