Monday, December 15, 2008


When David was growing up his Grandma Deurloo every Christmas would invite all the grandchildren over to decorate Christmas cookies. When she was unable to continue the tradition, Dave's sister Laura hosted it at her house. I think it was a super fun think to do so I started it her down south, but obviously no with my grandchildren. ;)

My friend Lisa, from work, brought a car full when she arrived. Lisa's Mother and Lisa's second granddaughter, Emma enjoy all the sugar.

Denise, my personal trainer and good friend, brought her granddaughter Kloe and her husband Bob (not pictured)

Here I am making sure everyone is having a good time

Dave was wore out after having to make all the frosting, so he took a pizza break!

Lisa's First granddaughter, Lexie

Kloe, after she changed to get her picture taken with Santa

Juan Miguel arrived, missing his 2 front teeth!! but it didn't slow him down, from eating his creations.

Janelle working hard to make each cookie perfect.

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