Sunday, June 8, 2008


This is the ENTERTAINING post I was hinting about in my COMING ATTRACTIONS :

Since I have been working out at my new gym since January and have been working with a personal trainer twice a week since March, I have become more psychically fit, dropped inches, dress sizes and just over 20 lbs.
Unfortunately, my loving husband has not seen a difference at all. So I challenged him to come to work out session just to see what I have been doing.....

Here are some pics of Dave goofing off before we got started...

Stacie, always up for free personal training, came with us.

A picture of Dave and I before the work-out began

Some pictures of us warming up

Here Dave is working on his hamstring muscles, the muscles on the upper back part of your legs, this is my weakest muscle, for some reason ( just a little bit of trivia for ya)

Dave and I after the work out, he is smiling, that is always a good sign.

Dave's verdict of my work-out, "It was a really good work out and it was NOT easy" Ironically, the Sunday after our work out, when we were getting ready to go swimming and I was in my swimming suit, Dave commented "You are looking much skinner today"

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